Sunday 20 July 2014

Syaballe OR Syafalli

Hello Guys

Since past few days the weather is really warm plus we had some thunderstorm and rain. On rainy days I specially crave for something hot and spicy to satisfy my cravings  so I hope this recipe will make you feel the same way as I do and hope you will enjoy this.

First let me introduce what I am going to make. It is called syaballe (Some people say syafalli but I have known this snack as syaballe so I will stick with it XD )  its a very popular Nepalese street food dish (I guess haha) and really simple and easy to make. It is exactly the same recipe (Momo filling= Also called dumplings) if you guys know how to make momo you can probably use same recipe. (I am going to make a post on how to make momo anyway so hang in there ^^ ) . Lets get started.


  • Flour
  • Salt
  • Oil
  • Meat (Chicken or Pork)
  • Cumin Seed
  • Ginger
  • Garlic 
  • Finely Diced Onions
  • Finely chopped lettuce
Lets Prepare the dough

  • In a bowl put your flour (No exact measurements because it depends on how much meat you have)
  • Add Salt
  • Mix the flour and salt well together
  • Add few Table spoon of oil (Vegetable or Sunflower oil) --> (For crispiness)
  • Now add water little at a time until it forms a softdough. 
Lets Prepare the filling
  • Grind the cumin seed, ginger, garlic together and sautee it in little oil (You can add it without frying its personal preference but in our house we fry these ingredients because it gets rid of strong taste (Garlicyy gingeryy taste --> the after taste)
  • Now add the sauteed mixture to your minced meat 
  • Add your chopped onions and chopped lettuce to the meat as well
  • Add salt for flavouring
  • Add a little bit of water and oil so that the meat mixture is not too dry (But don't add too much)
  • Mix all the ingredients together
  • Its ready
  • With the dough make a round flat bread 
  • Put reasonable amount of filling not to much nor less (Depends on the size of the flat bread. if you put too much it will be harder to make design as filling will burst)
  • The meat should be only on one side not in the middle
  • Wrap up the dough so that it looks like half moon
  • Pinch the side of the half moon and tuck in little amount of the flat bread overlapping each other (omgg it is harder to explain than doing it. I don't know if you guys are getting what I mean :( sorry if you don't but If you see the picture you will get what I mean (hopefully))
  • Continue the same process until you get to the end of the design and pinch the other side of the flat bread like you did to start with.
  • Repeat until you finish all the dough and meat.
  • GoodLuck
I hope you get it what I mean and if you like it try it out ^^

Lastly Don't forget to hit the FOLLOW button at the top corner right.

Happy Cooking ~~~

Thursday 17 July 2014

Boba Tea (Bubble Tea)

Hello Guys,

I want to start off this post by saying 'IT'S REALLY HOT TODAY'

My sister did warned me that today is gonna be the hottest day of the year so I guess its true because it really is so hot today. As I am typing this; my room is literally boiling all though the windows are all open. Are you guys also feeling the heat?

Since I had nothing to do this afternoon plus the weather wasn't helping I decided to make Boba Tea which actually means bubble tea. The bubbles are little black tapioca balls you can get this in different colour as well but I think the black looks the prettiest keke XD

Enough of all this talking and lets get started.

Things you Need

  • Tapioca Balls ( I bought this at Loongfung (Chinese store) or I guess you can find this in Asian grocery stores as well) = 1 Cup (If you are tapioca fan go ahead and put a cup but if you are not I think half cup will be fine. 1 Cup was a bit too much for me I still have lots leftover)
  • Large Straws (The Tapioca balls are quite big so you need a bigger straws haha)
  • Water (The packaging said 10 cups for a cup of tapioca but since my cup was a bit big I just used 8 cups) ( If you are using a cup of tapioca 10 cups(depending on size of cups) but if you are using only half cup pour 5 cups of water)
  • Condensed Milk (To make the bubble tea a bit rich = Taste) (2 Tablespoon put more if you like condensed milk or to make it sweeter)
  • Milk ( 1/2 Cup)
  • Ice (Few Cubes)
  • Tea (Soak the tea bags in a hot water and wait until the flavour is released and cooled)
  • A fancy plastic cup ( Mine was I redecorated it myself haha it was actually a KFC krushems cup XD since I was too lazy to pop in to Mcdonalds where I could buy the clear cups (Frappe) I painted the logo plus cover the red lid with light pink :3)
  • Sugar ( A cup if regular size mug if larger use half cup)
  • Water (Depending on cup size half if larger if smaller use 1 cup)
  • Measure your tapioca balls and pour it in to the water and boil for approx 30 min (the bubbles should cook through properly until the bubble soften) The bubbles will rise to the top.
  • Rinse it under running water because it tends to get gooeyyy haha
  • In the mean time when you are boiling your tapioca balls also prepare a sugar syrup to soak the tapioca.
  • After the tapioca is cooked through place it onto the sugar syrup (I have noticed since the tapioca itself is a bit bland if you soak it in sugar syrup it will absorb the sweetness plus helps to prevent the tapioca balls to shrink)
  • Assembling it together is a fun part take your plastic cup (or just a glass) pour in your condensed milk first)
  • Now add your tapioca balls about 2 Tablespoon.You can always add more if you like it. (At this point you can add the syrup as well if you have sweet tooth )
  • Add your milk and mix a tiny bit of cold water.
  • Add the soak tea mixture about 2 Table Spoon ; for stronger tea taste add more if you like.
  • Lastly add some ice cubes
  • Mix it altogether
  • The order the ingredients go doesn't really matter.
Have fun making it throughout this hot summer 

I can't wait to welcome the Winter its my favourite season of the year ^^

Again To be notified of latest update don't forget to hit the Follow button (thats all you need to do XD Go on hehe)
And if you like this recipe don't forget to like it :D

Thanks for reading ^^ See you soon ~~~


Thursday 10 July 2014

Bubble Tea Recipe Coming SOON!!

Weather is getting really HOT therefore I have decided to make a bubble Tea (Boba Tea). It has become a really famous drink also it comes with varieties of flavour. I am planning to make a milk tea , coffee and green bubble tea.

Hopefully it will be up by end of  this week so keep tuned. 

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