Thursday 26 June 2014

Delicious Oreo Cake

Heyy Guyss I am back with a new recipe which is Oreo Cake. Since, yesterday was my sister's birthday I baked an oreo cake for her and I know most of the people really like Oreos and so do I. I love everything which has oreos on it from ice creams to cakes but not in savoury dishes though lol haha. I can't imagine oreos in my spicy currys.

Oh and one thing before I start off I want to say that this sponge cake recipe is not mine and also swiss butter cream. I like to credit the person who put their effort on creating this beautiful recipe. I will leave their youtube links down below check them out they are really awesome people with awesome recipes. The sponge cake recipe is truly my favorite cake recipe at all times because I used to fail badly every time I try to bake a cake. When I tried this recipe I didn't know that it will turn out well. This particular recipe is so easy to follow with 0% of making error ( XD sorry thats a bit exaggerated). Of course you will make mistakes in order to learn (NO body is perfect) even the well known chef they make mistakes. So don't be afraid to make mistakes ^^. 

As for the Swiss Butter cream recipe it is my first time trying it. I usually use whipped cream to ice my cakes. This time I thought why not try something different but I have to be honest the butter cream is a bit too sweet for me :(. If you have sweet tooth you will obviously like it there is no doubt but if you don't use the whipped cream instead (One downside of this butter cream is it contains lots of sugar, butter and veg shortening = Calories *Not good to have it more often) But it is an excellent recipe :D.  


  • Cake Flour or sponge cake flour. (I bought mines in Asda (It says super sponge something like that (remember its different than plain or self raising flour) (1 Cup and 2 Table spoon) In this oreo cake recipe I try to make it a bit of chocolate flavor so I added 2 extra Table spoon to cocoa powder. That makes (1 cup flour + 2 Table spoon flour + 2 Table spoon Cocoa).
  • Caster Sugar ( 1 cup of caster sugar)
  • Vanilla Essence (1 and 1/2 Teaspoon)
  • Large Eggs (Total 16 XD I know you are shocked haha) (10 eggs for sponge cake = 6 Eggs for swiss butter cream)
  • Salt (1/2 Teaspoon)
  • Orange Juice (Without any pulp and No concentrated) 2 Tablespoon 
  • Vegetable Oil (1/2 Cup)
  • Cocoa Powder (2 Tablespoon for sponge cake (remember it will only be light chocolatishh colour)
  • Water (3/4 Table Spoon) 
  • Coffee ( 1 Tablespoon)
  • Oreos
  • Cream of tarter (1 and 1/2 Teaspoon)
  • Kitchen Aid Mixture if you have it but if you don't just use hand mixture (I also used hand mixture)
  • Spatula
  • 3 Large Bowl
  • Grease proof Paper
  • Cake Tins x 2
  • Sifter
  • Grease proof paper
  • Cooling Rack
  • Piping Bags
  • Cake Cardboard (Round cardboard that you will need to place underneath the cake)
Create a Dry and Wet Mixture for the Cakes.


  • Sift the flour + Salt + Cocoa Powder 3 times so there won't be any lumps left.
  • In a bowl place 1/2 cup of veg oil + Vanilla + orange juice + water + coffee and mix well together.
Eggs (for sponge cake you will need 10 eggs)
  • Separate carefully the egg yolks and whites and put them on to the 2 large bowl. Yolks in one and whites another. 
  • You will need altogether 10 eggs whites and 8 yolks . (put 2 extra yolks in another bowl because you don't need it).
Please strictly make sure that yolks don't mix with the whites because if it mix with one another you won't have a perfect whipped egg whites. Also make sure the bowl are clean and it doesn't have any fats or water on it because it will deflate the egg whites. 

  • Whip the 8 egg yolks and 1 cup of caster sugar together until it starts to make thick ribbon like stripps when you lift the mixture. (Set Aside for a minute and get started with the egg white).
  • Whip the 10 egg whites when it starts to look frothy add your cream of tarter because it will help the egg whites to rise to its full volume. The egg whites should look shiny and make a peak when you lift up your hand mixture (make sure the hand mixture is washed after each use and dried. Egg yolks/whites.) 
  • Now add the wet mixture to your 8 yolk mixture and lightly fold with a spatula. 
  • Add in the flour little at a time to the yolk mixture so that the batter will stay smooth. 
  • After all the Flour and the wet mixture is mixed together take your egg whites little at a time and fold it to the flour mixture. (Gently you don't want to deflate your egg whites now this is crucial for spongy texture)
  • Divide the batter equally to 2 tins and gently bang it on to floor to pop the air bubbles
Pre Heat the oven to 180 degrees  (Since my oven is not that big I cook it one at a time)
  • Pop it onto the ovens 
  • make sure to check it time to time but please do not open the oven door unless you are definitely sure its cooked. Another way to find out if its cooked is using the tooth picks if it comes out clean it is cooked. 
  • After its cooked bang the cake tin once again against the floor and tilt the cake tin upside down to let it cool in the cooling rack.
Repeat it !

Swiss Butter cream 

  • Icing Sugar (2 cups)
  • Caster Sugar (1 Cup)
  • 6 Large Egg Whites
  • Vanilla Essence
  • Vegetable shortening. (3/4 Cups) (Trex)
  • Butter (Unsalted 2 Cups)
  • Boil a water and on top of that place another bowl with egg whites and caster sugar 
  • Mix it together until the sugar are all melted and there is no lumps (The egg temperature should feel like its above the body temperature but it should not be boiling) 
  • As soon as the egg whites and sugar melts together whisk it until it forms a strong peak (Like in meringue it will take longer than you think because I was using hand mixture)
  • After it forms a strong peak add your icing sugar all at once and mix it together in low speed. (It should look like melted marshmellows)
  • Now add you butter and vegetable shortening (make sure its room temperature) little at a time. (Because hand held mixture can't handle lots at a time :( I broke my hand mixture while doing this)
  • The mixture will try to split but it will come together if it doesn't just use a wooden spoon to bring it all together.
To Garnish 
  • You can use whatever you like to garnish the cakes (from fruits, choco ganache to sprinkles) Be Creative .. But as you can see I lack a lot in creativity. It always tends to be tricky when I try to decorate cake. T.T
  • In this cake I used oreos because my sister also loves oreos Plus it was her birthday ^^
I hope I explained it well for you all to understand also hope you will try this recipe and happy baking :D

YouTube Channel 
Sponge Cake:
Swiss Butter Cream:

Njoy some pictures Below 


Thursday 19 June 2014

Piroo Chana Chatpate


Even though the weather outside is really hot and sweatyy we often crave for something spicy (Weather doesn't matter to us init ;) ) therefore chat pate is a great snack to make when you are hungryy or just enjoy it as a snack when watching a horror movie ahaha ^< Don't worry if you don't like to watch horror you can watch other kinds of movie that u like. 

For chatpate the spicyness can differ from person to person but I like mine to be supperr spicy. So lets see how I make my chatpate.


  • Puffed Rice (Bhujaa) You can find it either at Nepalese or Indian grocery store
  • Dried green peas. (Soak it in luke warm water until it is soft) But I used the spicy snack green peas
  • Bombay Mix (Dalmut) You can get this at supermarket these days such as asda , tescos or just at Asian local grocery store. 
  • Wai Wai ( it is optional but I like to put this for extra flavour and crunchiness ) 
  • Finely Chppped Onion (Finely Chopped)
  • Finely Chopped Tomatoes (De-Seed the tomatoes but keep the inner bits to put it onto the sauce)
  • Finely Chopped Cucumber (Again this is optional  (it gives fresh flavour hmm I don't like cucumber but I still use it for flavouring )----> De-Seed
  • Chillies---> Depends on how spicy you can eat
  • Lemon/Lime--> You can use either of these but I think lime taste better I just find it more tangy than lemon. Lemon tends to be bit on sweet side. 
  • Mustard Oil for flavouring
  • Gram Flour (Cheek peas)                   
  • 2 Table spoon of mashed potato puree              
  • Dried ground chilli                                                                                                  
  • Turmeric Powder                                                                             
  • Salt                                                                                      
  • Chopped Garlic                                                       
  • Vegetable Oil                                              
  • Tomato Puree (Packed oness in a tube) 
  • pinch ofChat Masala (like panipuris)
For Sauce (My First attempt of making the sauce using Gram Flour; before I used to skip the besan(gram flour) and just use little bit of ordinary flour to bring out the colour I used to add more turmeric powder which used to smell like turmeric (as if you added more than you needed)
  • Heat a pan and put a little bit of oil
  • Add the chopped garlic and stir it till golden brown
  • Add the inner bits of the tomato that you chopped finely earlier. 
  • Add the mashed potato puree
  • First take the gram flour and combine it adding a little water at a time so that the mixture won't be lumpy just like you do when you make a cake batter (The consistency should be pretty runny)
  • Add the gram flour mixture into the pan
  • Add the tomato puree and  half teaspoon turmeric powder (Don't add too much or else you will end up having the sauce which only has turmeric smell) to the pan. 
  • Add a pinch of salt and ground dried chilli.
  • Now take a sieve to separate Lumps and Bumps so the sauce will be smooth throughout for the finish result.
Combine all this ingredients together but when it comes to adding the sauce don't add too much because it tends to get soggy really quick (there is no problem if you like to add more).The amount of ingredients you add differ if you are making it portion wise like I did. 

For a person roughly
  • Add 2 hand full of the mixture of Puffed rice and peas and wai wai
  • 1 handfull of the mixture of vegetables (Chopped Tomato and onion and cucumber and chillies)
  • Add pinch of salt and ground dried chilli
  • Add 2 Table spoon of sauce
  • Add Mustard oil (3/4 of Tea spoon ) the mustard oil that I used was a bit to strong :3 if you don't have mustard oil you can substitute it for a little bit of Vegetable/Sunflower oil it gives shiny look to the chat pate)
  • Squeeze some lime/lemon
Mix all of these together and Njoy

The recipe may differ from person to person this is not the only way to make it you can try create your own perfect chatpate be creative (Tips you can add bhujia, nimki to it as well)

At Last Njoy the Recipe

Don't forget to share and subscribe if you like it. Just hit the follow button to get update on this channel for more recipes ^^
Oh Also I just opened a Tumblr for the food pictures so 
Follow me on:  (IDK wats wrong with hyperlinks :'( )

                                                                           Tada ^^

Monday 2 June 2014

Rice Cooker Choco Cake


Sorry it took a long time to post a new recipe also I apologise for breaking my promises again and again. To be honest I was really busy with my coursework and exams as it is nearly end of the year therefore didn't spend much time towards the blog.

To make up for this I have prepared a really nice and easy recipe which is easy to follow and tasty as well XD 

- Self Raising Flour (2 Cups)
- Cocoa Powder (Half Cup)
- Sugar (Cup)
- Butter
- Salt (Half Tablespoon)
- Vanilla Essence
- Baking Powder (1 Tablespoon)
- Coffee (2 Tablespoon (Dissolve in luke warm water) )

Prepare Dry Ingredients
- Mix flour, cocoa powder, salt and baking powder (Don't forget to sift)

Wet Ingredients
- Whisk butter and sugar
- Slowly add the eggs one by one
- Mix it until smooth
- Add the coffee (Reason- It enhances the chocolateyy taste and make it richh) 
- Add in the dry mixture slowly
- Use a balloon whisk to combine all the ingredients
- Pour it in either cake tin and pop it into oven OR use Rice cooker (The rice cooker that I used had cake settings so it was easier but if you do not have rice cooker which has this settings you can use normal rice cooker or simply use oven either way it will be delicious )
- Bake!!!!

For Decoration
- You can either use a whipped cream in the middle of the cake but I used single cream to pour over the cake so that it wouldn't be dry. You can also garnish it with some chopped fruits (Strawberry works the best)

Now its done Enjoy ^^