Thursday 19 June 2014

Piroo Chana Chatpate


Even though the weather outside is really hot and sweatyy we often crave for something spicy (Weather doesn't matter to us init ;) ) therefore chat pate is a great snack to make when you are hungryy or just enjoy it as a snack when watching a horror movie ahaha ^< Don't worry if you don't like to watch horror you can watch other kinds of movie that u like. 

For chatpate the spicyness can differ from person to person but I like mine to be supperr spicy. So lets see how I make my chatpate.


  • Puffed Rice (Bhujaa) You can find it either at Nepalese or Indian grocery store
  • Dried green peas. (Soak it in luke warm water until it is soft) But I used the spicy snack green peas
  • Bombay Mix (Dalmut) You can get this at supermarket these days such as asda , tescos or just at Asian local grocery store. 
  • Wai Wai ( it is optional but I like to put this for extra flavour and crunchiness ) 
  • Finely Chppped Onion (Finely Chopped)
  • Finely Chopped Tomatoes (De-Seed the tomatoes but keep the inner bits to put it onto the sauce)
  • Finely Chopped Cucumber (Again this is optional  (it gives fresh flavour hmm I don't like cucumber but I still use it for flavouring )----> De-Seed
  • Chillies---> Depends on how spicy you can eat
  • Lemon/Lime--> You can use either of these but I think lime taste better I just find it more tangy than lemon. Lemon tends to be bit on sweet side. 
  • Mustard Oil for flavouring
  • Gram Flour (Cheek peas)                   
  • 2 Table spoon of mashed potato puree              
  • Dried ground chilli                                                                                                  
  • Turmeric Powder                                                                             
  • Salt                                                                                      
  • Chopped Garlic                                                       
  • Vegetable Oil                                              
  • Tomato Puree (Packed oness in a tube) 
  • pinch ofChat Masala (like panipuris)
For Sauce (My First attempt of making the sauce using Gram Flour; before I used to skip the besan(gram flour) and just use little bit of ordinary flour to bring out the colour I used to add more turmeric powder which used to smell like turmeric (as if you added more than you needed)
  • Heat a pan and put a little bit of oil
  • Add the chopped garlic and stir it till golden brown
  • Add the inner bits of the tomato that you chopped finely earlier. 
  • Add the mashed potato puree
  • First take the gram flour and combine it adding a little water at a time so that the mixture won't be lumpy just like you do when you make a cake batter (The consistency should be pretty runny)
  • Add the gram flour mixture into the pan
  • Add the tomato puree and  half teaspoon turmeric powder (Don't add too much or else you will end up having the sauce which only has turmeric smell) to the pan. 
  • Add a pinch of salt and ground dried chilli.
  • Now take a sieve to separate Lumps and Bumps so the sauce will be smooth throughout for the finish result.
Combine all this ingredients together but when it comes to adding the sauce don't add too much because it tends to get soggy really quick (there is no problem if you like to add more).The amount of ingredients you add differ if you are making it portion wise like I did. 

For a person roughly
  • Add 2 hand full of the mixture of Puffed rice and peas and wai wai
  • 1 handfull of the mixture of vegetables (Chopped Tomato and onion and cucumber and chillies)
  • Add pinch of salt and ground dried chilli
  • Add 2 Table spoon of sauce
  • Add Mustard oil (3/4 of Tea spoon ) the mustard oil that I used was a bit to strong :3 if you don't have mustard oil you can substitute it for a little bit of Vegetable/Sunflower oil it gives shiny look to the chat pate)
  • Squeeze some lime/lemon
Mix all of these together and Njoy

The recipe may differ from person to person this is not the only way to make it you can try create your own perfect chatpate be creative (Tips you can add bhujia, nimki to it as well)

At Last Njoy the Recipe

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Oh Also I just opened a Tumblr for the food pictures so 
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                                                                           Tada ^^

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